
Which License is Required to Manufacture Digital Weighing Machine?

license required to manufacture a digital weighing machine
Published on: 3 April 2024

Are you looking to enter into the manufacturing of digital weighing machines? If yes, you need to keep in mind that you need to apply for a license for weights and measures to start this operation. Since this equipment is related to commercial usage as people buy things given their weight and pay the seller accordingly, there is a high chance of counterfeiting in this domain. This is why the Government of India has put in place a specialized licensing procedure for those looking to indulge in the making of weights and measurements. Let’s get to know more about what this license means and how to obtain it for manufacturing electronic weight machines.

What is the Legal Metrology Act?

The Legal Metrology Act is an act by the Government of India that is liable for the establishment and enforcement of the standards of weights and measurements. The Act primarily defined a legal framework that applies to the application of weights and measures in commercial activities. The major purpose of this framework is to protect consumer rights, direct precision in weighing and measuring equipment, and uphold their security.

The Act got the acquiescence of the President on the 13th of January 2010 and became applicable from 1st April, 2011. Department of Consumer Affairs is defined as the nodal agency for the execution of the Act.  The specific provisions of the Act are defined as:

The Legal Metrology Act, of 2009 is a unified Act that overlooks the provisions of the Standards of Weights and Measures Act, of 1976, and the Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, of 1985.

Its salient points are:

  • The Act is comprised of 57 Sections
  • No registering of users of weights and measures is needed
  • Registration for export of weights and measures is not mandatory
  • The penalty supplies for various offenses have gone up
  • Standardization of units of weights and measures given the metric system
  • Statements on pre-packaged merchandise
  • Approval of model of weight or measure before manufacturing/ import
  • Restriction on the manufacturing, repair, or sale of weight or measure without a license
  • Verification and stamping of weight or measure
  • Only one nominated Director of the company will be responsible for the offenses done by the company under the Legal Metrology Act
  • A facility of Government Approved Test Centre has been introduced.

How to apply for a license for the manufacturing of a digital weighing machine?

For those looking to obtain a license from the metrology department for the manufacturing of digital weighing machines, it is necessary to know that their application should meet a particular group of minimum requirements while furnishing all the necessary documents. Every application should be accompanied by all the required documents as there are stringent guidelines in place by the licensing authority for the grant of the license. At RegistrationKraft, we provide full-fledged support and guidance to people and organizations willing to manufacture digital weighing machines.

Minimum Requirements

  • A Physical Manufacturing Unit
  • A Model Approval Certificate by the Director of Legal Metrology for each kind of weight/measure manufactured
  • The Manufacturing Area must abide by the minimum space requirements.
  • The manufacturing unit should be on the ground floor or basement unless exceptions are put in place.
  • Ensure you carry all necessary machinery, tools, and testing equipment needed for manufacturing the proposed items.
  • Ensure you have skilled workers with appropriate expertise.

List of Required Documents

  1. Business Documents:
    1. Incorporation Documents
    2. GST Registration Certificate
    3. Professional Tax Certificate, if applicable
    4. Labour Licence
    5. Business PAN card
  2. Promoter’s Identity & Experience Documents
  3. Premises Ownership Documents & NOC
  4. Proof of purchasing workshop tools and equipment

Employee Documents:

  1. Appointment Letters
  2. ID & Address proof
  3. Qualification and Experience Certificate

Other Documents:

  1. Product Specifications
  2. Financial Documents
  3. Trademark Registration Certificate, if available
  4. Site Plan of the Manufacturing Premises
  5. Proof of sanctioned and installed power load

The License Application Procedure

The Legal Metrology Manufacturer License application process is made up of multiple steps that every applicant must be aware of. As the application can be made online, it is a good idea to access the applicable form online and upload the documents on the official website of the Department. Once the document submission is done, the Department people visit the manufacturing facility to check and verify the applicable legal metrology compliance. Below is a detailed guide on the Legal Metrology Manufacturer Registration process.

Step-1: Download The Application Form

Locate and download the Legal Metrology Manufacturer License application form from the official website of your concerned state’s Legal Metrology Department. This is the first step towards getting the license for digital weighing machine manufacturing in India. Make sure that you download the right and latest application form.

Step-2: Fill out The Application Form

Fill out the application form given the stated guidelines and affix all the required documents. For initial licensing, you can choose to use the LM-I form. On the other side, for renewing an expired license, it is recommended to use the LM2 form.

Step-3: Submission & Fee Payment

After the application is complete, pay the requisite application fee. The submitted forms and documents will be checked and reviewed by the authorities before moving to the next step.

Step-4: Inspection and Verification

Prior to the issuance of the license, the department officials will visit the manufacturing facility to inspect the organization and applicable processes. This is meant to ensure that all the Legal Metrology rules are assembled and all the necessary prescribed standards are fulfilled.

Step-5: Licence Issuance

If the business is found to abide by all the stipulated requirements, the Legal Metrology Department will release the Manufacturer License under the Legal Metrology Act. The license is released through Form-LM-3.

Legal Metrology Manufacturer License Cost

The general Legal Metrology Manufacturer License cost largely relies on the application charges of filing the forms along with the documents, and professional fees, if you seek the help of an expert to get a legal metrology manufacturer license. Please refer to the following table that clarifies the government charges.

Licensing Requirement Applicable Charges
Initial Licensing Rs.500
Renewal of Licence Rs.500
Issue of Duplicate Licence Rs.250
Modifications in the Licence Rs.250


License Renewal & Validity

After the grant of the Legal Metrology Manufacturing License, it remains valid for a period of a minimum of one calendar year. However, you can choose to renew it for a maximum period of up to 5 years. The renewal application must be submitted a minimum of 30 days before its expiry. The form employed for attaining LM-2 and the process is looked after by the Controller or an authorized person. The applicable renewal fee is clearly mentioned in Schedule IV of the Legal Metrology Act.

Things to Remember:

Display: Licences issued or renewed under the Legal Metrology Act must be conspicuously shown in the business facility where the licensee remains applicable.

Non-Transferable: It’s necessary to understand that licenses issued or renewed under this Act are neither saleable nor transferable.

Records Maintenance and Reporting: Licensed manufacturers, repairers, and dealers are gratified to preserve records and registers as specified in Schedule VII and submit periodic reports and returns as needed.

Periodic Verification and Inspection of Weights and Measures: Weights and measures used in transactions or for protection purposes must be verified and stamped periodically by the legal metrology officer in the respective state. The applicable verification charges are mentioned in Schedule IX. The re-verification intervals tend to differ given the type of weight or measure, and these instruments should also be evaluated and stamped at different intervals.

  1. Re-Verification Intervals: The timing for these re-verification checks is as follows:
    • Every 24 months for weights, capacity measures, length measures, tapes, beam scales, and weighing machines.
    • Every 60 months for storage containers.
    • Every 12 months for all other weights or measures, including lorries
  2. In-Situ Verification: Before being put to use, a weight or measuring instrument that has been checked and stamped in its original location and then taken apart and put back together before its next planned re-verification needs to be checked and stamped once more.
  3. Repairs Before Verification: Any weight or measuring device that has been verified and stamped has to be re-verified and stamped before it can be used again if repairs are made to it before the next scheduled verification.

Get Professional Assistance

Want to apply for a license for digital weight machine manufacturing in India? Talk to our licensing experts at RegistrationKraft who possess years of relevant expertise and provide all sorts of help to organizations looking to obtain any kind of commercial license. Over the years, we have helped a large number of business people in securing different types of licenses required for successful business incorporation and operations.


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