
What is Legal Metrology

what is legal mterology and the role of legal metrology department. Also check the type of license comes under legal metrology department
Published on: 28 December 2024

The International Organization of Legal Metrology defines legal metrology as “the application of legal requirements to measurements and measuring instruments.” The legal metrology is a branch of metrology (i.e., science of measurement) that helps to establish standards for the control of measurements and measuring instruments. At the same time, it safeguards public safety, environment, customers, and merchants and is quintessential for ensuring fair trade practices. 

The vision of legal metrology is “no more, no less,” meaning that the consumers should get the right quantity of commodities for the money they spend. Some examples of weights and measuring instruments requiring legal metrology compliance in India include water meters, sphygmomanometers, clinical thermometers, tape measures, automatic rail weighbridges, counter machines, load cells and beam scales.

Role of Legal Metrology Department

The legal metrology department can be understood as a regulatory authority that ensures the weights and measures are accurate and uniform. To ensure the LM rules and standards are complied with, numerous legal metrology departments have been established across various states and union territories in India. 

Let’s look at the role of the legal metrology department:

  • The legal metrology department is responsible for granting LMPC certificate to business entities dealing in manufacturing, distribution, selling, packaging and import of pre-packaged commodities.
  • It verifies, re-verifies and stamps weights and measures and weighing and measuring instruments.
  • It may conduct surprise inspections, raids and seizures for the purpose of eliminating the illegal and non-standards weights and measures.
  • It grants renewal of the LMPC registration certificate to business entities that import, sell, or distribute pre-packaged commodities in India.
  • LMD collects verification fees for ensuring that weights and measuring instruments are accurate and comply with the regulations set by the Indian government.
  • It helps to regulate prices to make sure the consumers do not end up paying more than the maximum retail price. Maximum retail price refers to the highest price at which a product can be sold to consumers.
  • It ensures the quantities in weights, measures and packaged commodities are correct.
  • The LMD plays an important role in the implementation of Legal Metrology Packaged Commodities Rules 2011, which make it mandatory for all the packaged commodities and containers to have declarations stating the composition of net weight, volume, length, M.R.P and date of manufacturing/packaging.

Types of Legal Metrology Licenses

There are various types of legal metrology certificates and licenses. Some of them are as follows:

Packer License

It is a type of LMPC license. It is required for businesses involved in manufacturing and packaging of pre-packaged goods.  Packer License ensures that packaged goods comply with the Indian standards and that consumers receive the correct quantity of product for which they paid.

Weight and Measures Certificate

 Weight and Measures Certificate is an official document issued by the Legal Metrology Department, signifying that a weight and measure instrument meets the standards and regulations established by the Indian government. Learn more about Manufacturing of Digital Weighing Machine.

Import License

 Import License is a type of packaged commodities certificate. This license must be secured by businesses engaged in importing or selling pre-packaged goods without packaging or labeling.


Legal metrology is a branch of metrology which deals with the measurements and measuring instruments. It helps to ensure that the consumers do not become victims of unfair trade practices and creates a harmonious environment for conducting business. To guarantee the business entities dealing with manufacture, sale or distribution of pre-packaged commodities ensure compliance LM rules and regulations, various departments have been established across various states and union territories in India. 

The legal department grants various types of legal metrology licenses/certificates such as Packer License,  Weight and Measures Certificate and  Import License. Want to obtain a legal metrology packaged commodities certificate from the legal metrology department of your respective state/union territory without any hassle? Connect with Registrationwala for assistance!


Categories: Business


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