Posts by Rakesh Ranjan:
Indian Peacekeeper Major Radhika Sen to receive UN award
UN Chief Antonio Guterres will present the UN Military Gender Advocate of the Year award to Indian Army officer Major Radhika Sen on 30th May, 2024. Major Radhika Sen has been praised as a “true leader and role model” by the UN chief. Major Sen, an Indian woman peacekeeping officer, worked with the UN on […]
Insurance Companies to be Sensitized by Ayush Ministry for Affordable Healthcare
On 26th May, 2024, the Ministry of Ayush said that it will launch a sensitization programme for executive officials of insurance companies and owners of Ayush hospitals for promoting affordable and accessible healthcare India. The programme will take place today i.e., on May 27, 2024, at the All India Institute of Ayurveda (AIIA) in the […]
Ratan Tata-backed Upstox enters the Insurance Business
The premier wealth management platform Upstox has announced its entry into the insurance distribution sector. Upstox has partnered with HDFC life and featured the term insurance plans of the insurance company on the Upstox platform. Upstox aims to revolutionize the Indian insurance industry by offering its customers a simplified, transparent and customized experience of purchasing […]
Whole Life Insurance and Term Insurance: What’s the difference?
Almost every family-inclined person feels like it is their responsibility to protect their family from the vagaries of fate. However, there is no way to ensure that your family will always be protected against tragedies. While there is no way to eliminate future tragedies, there’s definitely a way to prevent their financial consequences through the […]
What is the Difference between the Sum Assured and the Maturity Amount?
In the world of finance and insurance, the secret to getting amazing returns lies in having the proper knowledge of various terms used in the industry. Though it is almost impossible for a layman to keep abreast himself of all these terms, some common but important terms can be learnt easily in today’s fast-paced world. […]
The Complete Guide to Obtaining Your Insurance Surveyor License in India (2024)
As we all know our future remains uncertain and it is hard to determine what will happen in the future. Many times, disasters hit, people lose lives, and suffer massive damage. In such a critical scenario, insurance plays a pivotal role in making our lives easier by giving us an assurance that most monetary losses […]
How Child Investment Plans Can Secure Your Child’s Future?
The best gift a parent can give to their child is to invest in their future. The right investment plan can help your little one(s) to fulfill their goals and ambitions. Child investment plans can be opted for different aims, such as for a child’s education, marriage, healthcare, and more. In this article, we will […]
Understanding Climate Risk Insurance in India
Have you ever heard about climate risk insurance? Do you know what does it mean? Well, if you don’t know about this type of insurance, you can get to know everything about climate risk insurance in the following post. With the paradigm shift in the behavior of the climate, it is no surprise that it […]
How Insurance Companies Detect and Prevent Fraudulent Claims?
Insurance claim fraud is the illegal act of misleading and exploiting a company or an individual holding an insurance contract. For instance, a policy seller might sell somebody a policy by a company that does not even exist, or make fake promises to the buyer for the sake of earning more commission. In a similar […]
How many types of Insurance exist in India?
In today’s fast-paced lifestyle, insurance emerges as the most preferred way of keeping life elements particularly in regard to finance. Be it any expensive item like car, mobile phone, home, office, or even health, taking up an insurance policy for the same gives a kind of assurance that he can rest assured if something wrong […]