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Registrar of Newspaper of India (RNI)

RNI Means Registrar of Newspaper for India.RNI registration is a legal requirement for anyone who wants to publish a newspaper, magazine or journal.

The newspaper industry is growing at a fast pace in India. According to Statista, the Newspapers & Magazines market in India is anticipated to grow by 1.52% (2024-2029) resulting in a market volume of US $5.64 billion in 2029. 

All the newspapers and magazines require RNI registration before they can be published in the Indian market. RNI registration is a mandatory requirement which needs to be acquired by the publishers from the Office of Registrar of Newspapers for India. This article will serve as a guide for you for everything related to RNI.

What are the Functions of RNI? 

In the Press and Registration of Books Act, all the major functions of RNI are stated. And, every year more new responsibilities are added to the list. Let’s take a look at the statutory and non-statutory functions of RNI. 

Statutory Functions 

  • Compilation and maintenance of records of published newspapers. 
  • Issue a certificate of registration to the valid title newspaper. 
  • Scrutiny and analysis of annual statements. 
  • Informing District Magistrates about the availability of titles. 
  • Make sure that newspapers are published as per the provision of the PRB Act 1867. 
  • Submitting a report each year before the 31st of December to the Government about the information and statistics of the Indian press. 

Non-Statutory Functions 

  • Creating guidelines for a newsprint allocation policy and issuing an Eligibility Certificate to the newspapers. 
  • Providing certificates for the needs of newspaper establishments to import and compose machinery and allied materials. 

Also Read: How to register a magazine in India?

What are the Benefits of RNI?

As understood, RNI registration is a legal requirement for anyone who wants to publish a newspaper, magazine or journal. This registration offers several benefits as discussed below:

  • Title Security: When a publisher registers with RNI, the title for his publication gets safeguarded which is crucial in the publishing field. No publisher would want to be in a position where his title gets stolen or misused.
  • Compliance with the Legislation: Any company publishing newspapers or magazines must be in compliance with the Press and Registration of Books Act and the rules stated thereunder. When a publishing company acquires RNI registration, it showcases the compliance with this Act.
  • Recognition in Newspaper Market: Once a newspaper gets RNI’s nod, it can be published in the Indian newspaper market. RNI registration helps to validate the existence of newspapers in the country. 
  • Protection from Claims: RNI Registration offers protection to publishers against false claims regarding ownership and copyright issues. RNI title verification works on a first come first serve basis. Therefore, if a publisher already owns a certain newspaper title, the same cannot be used by another publisher.

Want to Apply for RNI Registration? Check Document List for RNI Certificate Registration before applying.

Documents for RNI Certificate Registration

Below, you’ll find a list of all the necessary documents for RNI Fresh, Revised, and Duplicate Certificate Registration.

Fresh Registration

  1. A copy of the title verification letter issued by RNI. 
  2. Declaration (Form-1) filed by the Publisher and duly authenticated by DM/DC/SDM/JCP/CMM.
  3. A written agreement between the owner of periodical and keeper of printing press for printing the periodical, bearing signatures & designation of both the parties. 
  4. A copy of the first issue (i.e. volume 1, issue 1) brought out after authentication of declaration by DM/DC/SDM/JCP/CMM.
  5. An authorization in writing from owner(s), authorizing individual (by name) to make and subscribe declaration as publisher/printer, in the case where the publisher or printer making a declaration is not the owner thereof.

Revised Registration:

  1. Original certificate of registration issued by RNI.
  2. New Declaration (Form-1) filed by the Publisher specifying clear reason for filing the same at a relevant column and duly authenticated by DM/DC/SDM/JCP/CMM.
  3. A written agreement between the owner of a periodical and the keeper of the printing press for printing the periodical, bearing signatures & designation of both parties.
  4. A copy of the issue is brought out immediately after authentication of the declaration whichever is the latest.
  5. An authorization in writing from the owner, authorizing an individual (by name) to make and subscribe declaration as publisher/printer, in the case where the publisher or printer making a declaration is not the owner thereof.

Duplicate Certificate: 

  1. A notarized affidavit for loss of original RNI certificate of registration.  
  2. An IPO of Rs.5/-  
  3. A copy of the authenticated declaration based on which the newspaper/periodical got registered.  
  4. Penalty of `1000.00 per year, in the form of demand draft in favour of DDO, RNI against non-submission of annual statements.  
  5. A copy of the latest issue.

Documents Required for Title Verification

  • After receiving the RNI Title Verification Letter from the Press Registrar, the printer/publisher has to make a declaration before the Magistrate. The Declaration is to be made in Form I as given in the Schedule to the Registration of Newspapers (Central) Rules, 1956. Copies of the form will be available with the Magistrate
  • If the printer and the publisher are different or the place of publication and printing come under the jurisdiction of two different magistrates, separate declarations should be made before the Magistrate(s).
  • The Magistrate will either authenticate the declaration or issue an order refusing to authenticate it, as the case may be.
  • A copy of each of the authenticated declarations will be sent by the Magistrate with his/her attestation to the person(s) who made the declaration and to the Press Registrar.

Guidelines Set by RNI for Title Verification 

The newspaper publisher or the owner must apply for the title verification to the authority. And, this application must be sent to the RNI within 180 days from the date of title verification. In case, the applicant does not apply to register the title, the title will blocked and made available for other newspapers. Now anyone can use this title.  

Similarly, if during the application process any issue occurs, then a Discrepancy letter is issued. The publisher or the owner has to reply to this letter within 30 days otherwise the application will be rejected. 

Note: The verification of the title, doesn’t mean that it is trademark registered or become a brand or company name. It only means that newspapers are registered with the Registrar of Newspapers under the PRB Act, of 1867. However, apply to relevant authorities for completing the registration of the mark, Brand Name, or other important approval.  

Final Words

The RNI registration process is simple but requires some steps to be followed. It is important to ensure that you get the verification within the prescribed time without getting a discrepancy letter. So, it is advisable to get a consultation from experts. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. Once the title of the newspaper is verified by RNI, what is the stipulated period for the registration of the title with RNI?

The publisher must submit the registration application within 6 months from the date of title verification. If the registration for a verified title is not received within this time period, the verified title will be made accessible to others.

Q2. What happens in case an application is not submitted for a verified title within the 6 months time limit?

In such a case, the verified title will be made available to other users.

Q3. Does the RNI registration/certificate need to be renewed on an annual basis?

No, the RNI registration/certificate comes with a lifetime validity and does not need any renewal. However, in case of any changes in the registration details, the publisher must apply for a registration.


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